Our Eco-friendly Bakery
Our goal to be eco-friendly with sustainable practices stem throughout our entire operation; ingredients, packaging, and shipping.
What have you done lately in aid of the environment? At WOW Vegan Treats, we are strongly committed to minimizing any negative impact we may have on the environment, and we keep this in mind in every aspect of our operation.
We know that people eat with their eyes, so plastic packaging would be the best way to present our cookies. However, we’ve opted out of using plastic, and we use glassine envelopes. Glassine is a smooth, glossy paper that is transparent, pH neutral, and acid free. Because it is made from wood pulp, glassine is fully recyclable and biodegradable – making it a sustainable material choice.

If you ever order one of our cookie boxes, you’ll receive a cute simple kraft box of goodies, with either a stamp or label also made with kraft paper. The process of manufacturing kraft paper makes it eco-friendly. The process is much simpler, and there are few chemicals used in the process. This makes kraft paper completely eco-friendly and harmless to the environment. The chemicals used in manufacturing kraft paper can be recovered, reused, and recycled.

We can say that solely selling vegan products is our ode to the environment, but that’s not enough. Especially since some ingredients can be produced with negative side effects on the environment. With that in mind, we make a conscious effort to source ingredients that are Climate Pledge Friendly, USDA organic, or produced locally where possible.
Last but not least, we look forward to shipping cookies directly to you in the future! But shipping can take a toll on the environment. Our shipping company of choice is Sendle, a registered B Corp and America’s first carbon-neutral delivery service, securing carbon offsets through their partner South Pole. They calculate the carbon footprint of each and every shipment and purchase offsets from invaluable environmental projects around the world.

We’re trying our best to fulfill our commitment to the earth and our environment. If we all make even a small effort, hopefully, we can slow down the damage we have caused.
Let’s show the earth some love! (even more love than we give a box of delicious cookies!)